Weekend plans
Making space for downtime
In 2019, along with a few other resolutions/good intentions, I want to be more mindful to have regular escape plans to look forward to; getting outdoors, on my bike, seeing friends and family and making enough time to enjoy being a home.
I realised the calender that I spend most of my time looking at was my google week or month view*, where the greater proportion of space is taken by work days and my weekday routine and meetings. To flip my focus on planning my downtime - rather than it just disappearing - I’ve made myself a simple weekend planner, giving me a quick overview of the year ahead in weekend time, rather than work time and routine. I’ve designed it as an A3 printout to stick on my bedroom wall, affording me the headspace away form the screen to think about weekend adventures away and offline for the year ahead, with a nice blanace between time at home and away.
In the spirit of working in the open, download it if you want to try it too. If you’re weekends fall mid-week, make a copy of the google sheet version below and tweak accordingly. Further iterations may follow!
2025 Weekend plans (google sheet - make a copy to customise)
2025 Weekend plans (PDF)
January 2019 (ongoing, annually)